The Ceremonies

A Quick Florida Wedding ceremonies are performed inside a professional office building space in East Orlando. Because it is an office building, the ceremony dates must be during the week (Monday through Friday). The office is currently not available on Weekends or Federal Holidays that fall during the week. I cannot offer walk-in services since the office is rented by the hour. In the near future, I may offer more locations. Please be advised once these options become available, it will cause the prices to increase.

Wedding Tips: For your Elopement or Micro Wedding create a ceremony that is meaningful and romantic. I will help you by providing options and suggestions for vows, readings, and traditions. You may add your own touches as well as your own vows. Use words that touch your heart and define what you feel about the person you have chosen to take this journey of love with. Add unique touches like Handfastings, unusual unity ceremonies, show your gamer side or your inner Hufflepuff. You are not bound to traditional wording. Make it fun, make it romantic, Make it about you! After all, it is your wedding day! Themed wedding arches outside of the special are priced separately and in addition to your ceremony cost.

Tiny Desk Wedding

A quick and simple ceremony for just the couple. No added traditions or words. Just the legal wording to solemnize the marriage and make it legal. Get married in your shorts or jeans if you like. No need to dress up. Get married on your lunch break. You will sit in very comfy office chairs (or stand) in front of my desk and recite the minimum words, very similar but slightly nicer than the one you would say at the courthouse.

This is a great option for people that do not want to do the whole big wedding ceremony, for those that want to be married on a specific date but their venue is not yet available, or for those couples that just want to be married in a super simple and private ceremony without the stress of guests. A perfect option for people that don't need or want anything more for their marriage than just the legal words or for those that want to get married in private. I will administer the solemnization, sign, stamp, and mail the license for you and you will leave the office a married couple. The whole process is done in about 10-15 minutes. Quick, Fast, Easy Peasy!

No witnesses are needed or allowed.

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: You will need your marriage license and identification, and each other. You can exchange rings if you choose.

COST $125

#justthewords #antiwedding #thenotweddingwedding #quickwedding

The Eloper

A real meaningful and romantic wedding ceremony for two. Just the bride and groom or 2 brides or 2 grooms. You can choose to be casual, semi-formal, or formal.

It is an abbreviated ceremony with all or most of the elements of a full wedding. Each ceremony component is shortened and personalized for the two of you. You will be able to choose the type of intimate elopement ceremony. Civil, Religious, Spiritual, SoulMate, Handfasting, or Vow Renewal.

You can write your own vows, include a unity ceremony (as long as it does not involve fire or alcohol), and add a short reading, prayer, or poem. I will have 2 unity options that do not require you to bring anything.

This is a great option for people that want a nice wedding ceremony but not the stress and worry of having guests. It's also a great choice for those that want to be married on a specific date but their venue is not yet available, or for those couples that just want to be married in a private ceremony with the focus on just them. I will perform the ceremony, sign, stamp, and mail the license for you and you will leave the office as a married couple. The whole process is done inside of 30 minutes.

No witnesses are needed or allowed.

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: You will need your marriage license and identification, your wedding rings, and unity ceremony items if applicable. You may bring a bouquet.

COST $150

ADD ONS: Limited Decorations, Arch, and Photos options.

ADD ON: $35 A tasting or libation ceremony (due to covid, currently not available)

#aweddingfortwo #elopement #floridaweddings #quickelopement #miniwedding #microwedding

Micro Wedding

Do Small Big!

A really beautiful and romantic wedding ceremony for the bride and groom or 2 brides or 2 grooms. Depending on covid status you may invite between 1-6 family members or friends. It is a full-length ceremony with all or most of the elements of a full wedding. Each ceremony component is chosen and personalized for you. You will be able to choose the type of ceremony. Civil, Religious, Spiritual, SoulMate, Handfasting, or Vow Renewal are just a few of the options to choose from. You can choose to be casual, semi-formal, formal, or themed.

You can write your own vows, include a unity ceremony (as long as it does not involve fire or alcohol), add readings, prayers, or poems.

This is a great option for people that want a nice feel of a wedding ceremony and you can invite between 1-6 people. This option allows for guests/witnesses. I will perform your romantic personalized ceremony, sign, stamp, and mail the license for you and you will leave the office a married couple. The whole process is done in about 30-45 minutes.

Witnesses are not needed but are allowed.

You must be on time!

WHAT YOU WILL NEED: You will need your marriage license and identification, your wedding rings, and unity ceremony items if applicable. Candles cannot be lit with fire.

COST $175

ADD $35 for zoom or guests attending by video stream you will have 15 minutes to get everyone set up, online, muted, and ready.

ADD ONS: Limited Decorations, Arch and/or Photos

ADD ON: $35 A tasting or libation ceremony (currently not available due to covid)

ADD ON: $40 Blue tooth speaker (choose from instrumental or vocal wedding music or use with your own device)

[due to covid restrictions, the full experience is not currently available.]

FULL EXPERIENCE: $69 FOR AN ADDITIONAL HOUR ( Go to FAQs for full description)

#intimatewedding #microwedding #Orlandowedding #insidewedding #weddingfortwo #verysmallwedding #covid19wedding #nondisneywedding #floridawedding #orlandoweddingofficiant #wedding #elopements